Saturday, 15 February 2014

Hello everyone. This time hackers targeted Facebook Owner Mark Zuckerberg. They removed his facebook cover picture. Haha, so funny this is. Quite a few incidents in last week. Hackers and hackers every where. Be aware. :-p 

You might be thinking how did this happened. Then hackers used the report abuse option on his cover image and choose, 'I don't like this photo of me' and then hackers used fiddler2 debugger program to edit the request.

How did it happened: Hacker removed Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Timeline Cover Photo 

Mark Zuckerberg cover photo hacked

Something unusual happened today, Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Timeline Cover Photo is removed, as shown in the above Screenshot.

Suddenly, after few hours, I got a mail from an Egyptian Hacker with nickname 'Dr.FarFar', claimed that he has hacked the Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Profile and removed the Cover Photo using a private exploit.

The hacker has not provided any technical details about the vulnerability he used, but it seems that Zuckerberg has not noticed the removed Cover Photo on his profile.

It could be possible that Zuckerberg removed his Cover Photo himself, and someone is trying to take responsibility for the changes, but I still have a positive feeling that - May be a Minor, but its a Hack!

Previously in August 2013, Palestinian programmer discovered a security flaw in Facebook that allowed him to write a post on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's personal timeline without his permission.

Well, we are trying to get more information from the hacker about the flaw, as well as contacted Facebook for confirmation of the hack. I will update the story shortly after getting more updates.


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