Sunday, 23 February 2014

On 06:01 by Unknown in , , ,    No comments
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Have you checked our last tutorial about How to configure Solarwinds Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Server to backup IOS and configuration files.

A Trivial File Transfer Protocol server allows you to migrate new firmware to an electrical device. Firmware is a type of software stored in a device's Read-Only Memory chips. SolarWinds is an information technology management software company that produces a freeware TFTP server. The server is for use in "uploading and downloading executable images and configurations to routers and switches with ease,"

  • Launch your computer's Web browser application.
  • Go to the SolarWinds "Download SolarWinds Free TFTP Server" webpage and save the TFTP server installer to a directory on your computer's hard drive. You may be required to fill out a simple information form before you can download the installer.
  • Navigate to the directory location where you saved the TFTP server installer. The file you downloaded may be in the form of a zip file. If so, right-click on the zip folder and select "Extract All" from the shortcut menu. Follow the wizard's prompts to extract the TFTP server installer file. The file will be extracted to the same directory location.
  • Double-click on the installer and select "Run" to launch it. Only launch the installer this way if you are currently logged onto the computer using an account with administrator rights. If you are currently not logged onto the computer using an account with administrator rights, right-click on the installer and select "Run as" from the shortcut menu. A dialog box will open. Click "The following user" radio button. Enter the credentials for one of the computer's administrator user accounts. Click "OK" and select "Run" to launch the installer.
  • Follow the setup wizard's prompts to install the Solarwinds TFTP server onto the computer. The computer will automatically install the TFTP server once you've responded to all the prompts.


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