Saturday, 1 February 2014

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Using Hyper terminal

Hello Everyone. I'm bringing you all new series of lot of tutorials. keep your self here. It will really help you building you concepts and ideas about networking.So here we go.

The HyperTerminal tool, included with Windows 2000, allows you to communicate directly with your system's modem. Through HyperTerminal, you can reset the modem or issue configuration and diagnostic commands. These capabilities can help you determine whether or not the modem and computer are communicating correctly.

Also HyperTerminal is terminal emulator software which is included with Windows Operating Systems, up to Windows XP. HyperTerminal is no longer available from Windows Vista onwards. If you are using Windows XP, you can use HyperTerminal to configure, monitor and manage Cisco Routers and Switches

Starting HyperTerminal and setting up a new connection

Before you can use HyperTerminal to troubleshoot your modem, you must create a connection to the port the modem is using. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Click Start | Programs | Accessories | Communications | HyperTerminal.
  • Once HyperTerminal opens, it will automatically prompt you to create a new connection if none exist. If no connection(s) exists, you can click File | New Connection to create a new one.
  • Specify a name for the connection, choose an icon, and click OK.
  • In the Connect To dialog box, choose the COM port being used by your modem (usually COM1 or COM2) from the Connect Using drop-down list and click OK.
  • In the port property sheet that appears, choose a port speed (bits per second) that matches the device. (For a modem, choose its maximum speed.)
  • Then, choose communications parameters that match the device. For most devices, you can typically use 8 data bits, no parity (set to None), one stop bit, and hardware flow control.
  • When you click OK, HyperTerminal will immediately open a connection to the port. You'll then be ready to troubleshoot.

Connecting Hyperterminal to Router or Switch

  • If your PC Operating System is Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows8 or any GNU/Linux Operating System, use PuTTY terminal emulator to connect to your router.
  • Make sure that you have correct console connection to Cisco Router or Switch. Connect the RJ45 jack of your console cable to the console port of your Cisco Router or Switch. Connect the other end to the Serial port of your computer. Refer the following link to know more about console port and console cable. Refer the following link if a Serial Port is not available in your computer.
  • Open HyperTerminal As Told Abve.
  •  In the "Connection Description" dialog box, Enter a name for the connection and click "OK".

  • In the "Connect To" dialog box, select the primary COM port. The port number is COM4 in the below example. The port number may be different in your computer. Select the correct port number when you connect from your computer.                       
  • In the HyperTerminal port properties dialog box, select the settings as shown below. The values in this dialog box should be exactly as below. If the values are not as shown here, you may not be able to see the characters in HyperTerminal screen or strange-looking characters may show up on the screen. If you cannot connect using the default settings given below, your router may have been configured to use non-standard settings. If this is your case, try to connect at different speeds until you get a valid IOS prompt.

• Bits per sec: 9600

• Data bits: 8

• Parity: none

• Stop bits: 1

• Flow control: none

Click "OK" to connect to Cisco Router or Switch IOS.
  • That's it now HyperTerminal is connected to Cisco IOS or the device to which you were trying to connect and you can now do this by your own. Once you did it. 

Some Advantages of HyperTerminal

let's take a look at some of the importent and beneficial use of hyper terminal. They are listed Below. 
  • Firstly, HyperTerminal is a program that you can use to connect to other computers, Telnet sites, bulletin board systems (BBSs), online services, and host computers. HyperTerminal connections are made using a modem, a null modem cable (used to emulate modem communication), or an Ethernet connection.
  • Secondly, HyperTerminal has capabilities beyond making connections to other computers. Also it can transfer large files from a computer onto your portable computer using a serial port rather than requiring you to set up your portable computer on a network. It can help debug source code from a remote terminal. It can also communicate with many older, character-based computers.
  • In addition, HyperTerminal records the messages passed to and from the computer or service on the other end of your connection. It can therefore serve as a valuable troubleshooting tool when setting up and using your modem. To make sure that your modem is connected properly or to view your modem's settings, you can send commands through HyperTerminal and check the results. HyperTerminal also has scroll functionality that enables you to view received text that has scrolled off the screen.

You have explored one skill, keep on exploring many others. Thanks for the view. Don't forget to share and comment if this helped you. Keep Learning. Stay Tuned For More.


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