Monday, 17 March 2014

  1. Hello there, Welcome to our blog. How you all are, Hope you all doing great. On our blog you will find support for tech, hacking and social tweaks. We provide networking solutions for any type of problem. You can contact us through this blog. We will do whatever we can do for your problem. Have you checked Method No. 1 for making your window genuine. If not click here to see.

  2. 1
    Right-click on your desktop. Choose New, then Text Document.
    • Enter the name as "remove.bat" without the quotes.
    • A message should appear saying that you are changing a file type. Click Yes. If the message does not appear, and the file icon is a picture of a piece of paper, then you need to enable "show file extensions for known file types" in the Windows Explorer Tools ->Folder Options dialog.
  3. 2
    Right-click on remove.bat and select Edit. Notepad will open.
  4. 3
    Paste the following lines into Notepad, then save and exit:

    taskkill -IM wgatray.exe

    del wgatray.exe

    del wgalogon.old
  5. 4
    Double-click on the remove.bat icon. A command prompt window should briefly appear, then close automatically.


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